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ScholarIcon-64px.pngScholarScholarScholarsscholar/researcher: person who engages in research, professionally or otherwise


[1] person who engages in research, professionally or otherwise see also scholar

Example Scholars

Klaas Dellschaft, Luca Longo, Stefan Decker, Tim Holzheim


Scholar affiliationsaffiliationsTypes/Pageaffiliationsaffiliations
Scholar dblpIddblp id of the scholar as index in identifierdblpIddblpIdfalsefalse
Scholar descriptionA wikidata compatible description of the scholarTypes/textdescriptiondescriptionfalsefalse
Scholar firstNameThe first name of the scholarTypes/textfirstNamefirstNamefalsefalse
Scholar gndIdgnd id of the scholar as indexed in identifiergndIdgndIdfalsefalse
Scholar googleScholarUsergoogleScholarUser Author id of the scholarTypes/External identifiergoogleScholarUsergoogleScholarUserfalsefalse
Scholar homepageThe homepage of the scholarTypes/urlhomepagehomepagefalsefalse
Scholar linkedInIdlinkedIn id of the scholarTypes/External identifierlinkedInIdlinkedInIdfalsefalse
Scholar nameThe last name of the scholarTypes/textnamenametruefalse
Scholar orcidorcid id of the scholar it is used to provide the identifier with which an entity is indexed in http://orcid.orgTypes/External identifierorcidorcidfalsefalse
Scholar researchGateresearch gate profile id of the scholar as indexed in https://www.researchgate.netTypes/External identifierresearchGateresearchGatefalsefalse
Scholar smartCRMIdsmartCRM id of the scholarTypes/External identifiersmartCRMIdsmartCRMIdfalsefalse
Scholar wikiDataIdwikidata id of the scholarTypes/External identifierwikiDataIdwikiDataIdfalsefalse


see also

topic links: