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QueryIcon-64px.pngQueryQueryQueriesA Query


A Query

Example Queries

Q0.1, Q0.10, Q0.11, Q0.2, Q0.3, Q0.4, Q0.5, Q0.6, Q0.7, Q0.8, Q0.9, Q1.1, Q1.10, Q1.11, Q1.12, Q1.13, Q1.14, Q1.15, Q1.16, Q1.17, Q1.18, Q1.19, Q1.2, Q1.20, Q1.3, Q1.4, Q1.5, Q1.6, Q1.7, Q1.8, Q1.9, Q2.1, Q2.10, Q2.2, Q2.3, Q2.4, Q2.5, Q2.6, Q2.7, Q2.8, Q2.9, Q3.1, Q3.2, Q3.3, Q3.4, Q3.5, Q3.6, Q3.7, Q3.8


Query commenta comment for the queryTypes/Textcommentcommentfalsefalse
Query descriptiona description of the queryTypes/Textdescriptiondescriptionfalsefalse
Query idthe id of the queryTypes/Numberididtruefalse
Query namethe title of the queryTypes/Textnamenamefalsefalse
Query relevancethe subjective relevance of the query range: 5:++,4:+,3:o,2:-,1:--Types/Numberrelevancerelevancefalsefalse
Query scholiathe the url for the corresponding/equivalent scholia queryTypes/External identifierscholiascholiafalsefalse
Query sincesince when the query is availableTypes/Datesincesincefalsefalse
Query sparqlthe sparql code of the queryTypes/Codesparqlsparqlfalsefalse
Query tasktaskTypes/Pagetasktask
Query titlethe title of the queryTypes/Texttitletitlefalsefalse
Query tryiturlthe url to try out the query at QLever wikidata endpointTypes/External identifiertryiturltryiturlfalsefalse
Query wdqsurlthe url to try out the query at the Wikidata Query ServiceTypes/External identifierwdqsurlwdqsurlfalsefalse


see also