Semantic Publishing Challenge Queries
CEUR-WS Semantification Queries
Stakeholder Query Relevance
Stakeholder | Interests | Queries |
Researcher / Author |
Editors |
Organizer |
Publisher |
Indexer |
Platforms (Search & Recommendation) |
Queries for specific quality aspects
- Q1.4
- Q1.5
- Q1.7
- Q1.9
- Q1.12
- Q1.13
- Q1.16
- Q1.17
- Q1.18
- Q1.19
- Q1.20
Query | Definition |
Q1.1 | List the full names of all editors of the proceedings of workshop W . |
Q1.2 | Count the number of papers in workshop W . |
Q1.3 | List the full names of all authors who have (co-)authored a paper in workshop W . |
Q1.4 | Compute the average length of a paper (in pages) in workshop W |
Q1.5 | (publication turnaround) Find out whether the proceedings of work- shop W were published on before the workshop took place. |
Q1.6 | (previous editions of a workshop) Identify all editions that the work- shop series titled T has published with |
Q1.7 | (chairs over the history of a workshop) Identify the full names of those chairs of the workshop series titled T that have so far been a chair in every edition of the workshop published with |
Q1.8 | |
Q1.9 | Identify those papers of workshop W that were (co-)authored by at least one chair of the workshop |
Q1.10 | List the full names of all authors of invited papers in workshop W |
Q1.11 | Determine the number of editions that the workshop series titled T has had, regardless of whether published with |
Q1.12 | (change of workshop title) Determine the title (without year) that workshop W had in its first edition. |
Q1.13 | (workshops that have died) Of the workshops of conference C in year Y , identify those that did not publish with in the fol- lowing year (and that therefore probably no longer took place) |
Q1.14 | (papers of a workshop published jointly with others) Identify the papers of the workshop titled T (which was published in a joint volume V with other workshops). |
Q1.15 | (editors of one workshop published jointly with others)List the full names of all editors of the proceedings of the workshop titled T (which was published in a joint volume V with other workshops) |
Q1.16 | Of the workshops that had editions at conference C both in year Y and Y +1, identify the workshop(s) with the biggest percentage of growth in their number of papers. |
Q1.17 | (change of conference affiliation) Return the acronyms of those work- shops of conference C in year Y whose previous edition was co-located with a different conference series. |
Q1.18 | (change of workshop date) Of the workshop series titled T , identify those editions that took place more than two months later/earlier than the previous edition published with |
Q1.19 | (institutional diversity and internationality of chairs) Identify the affiliations and countries of all editors of the proceedings of workshop W . |
Q1.20 | (continuity of authors) Identify the full names of those authors of papers in the workshop series titled T that have so far (co-)authored a paper in every edition of the workshop published with |
Query | Definition |
Q2.1 | Identify the affiliations of the authors of paper X |
Q2.2 | Identify the papers presented at workshop X and written by researchers affiliated to an organisation located in country Y |
Q2.3 | Identify all works cited by paper X |
Q2.4 | Identify all works cited by paper X and published after year Y |
Q2.5 | Identify all journal papers cited by paper X |
Q2.6 | Identify the grant(s) that supported the research presented in paper X (or part of it) |
Q2.7 | Identify the funding agencies that funded the research presented in paper X (or part of it) |
Q2.8 | Identify the EU project(s) that supported the research presented in paper X (or part of it) |
Q2.9 | Identify ontologies mentioned in the abstract of paper X |
Q2.10 | Identify ontologies introduced in paper X (according to the abstract) |
Query | Definition |
Q3.1 | (Same entities within the dataset) Identify and interlink same entities that appear with different URIs within the dataset. Same persons (authors and/or editors) or same events (conferences) might have been assigned different URIs. |
Q3.2 | (Same entities across different datasets) Identify all different instances of the same entity in different datasets. Same entities (persons, articles, proceedings, events) might appear in different datasets with different URIs. |
Q3.3 | (Workshop call for papers) Link a workshop W to its call for papers announced on EventSeer and/or WikiCfP. |
Q3.4 | (Workshop website) Link a workshop or conference X that appears in the dataset to the workshop’s or conference’s website URL. |
Q3.5 | (Overall contribution to the conference) Identify all papers edited by an author A of a paper P presented at workshop W co-located with conference C, and who was also author of a main track paper at the same conference C. |
Q3.6 | (Overall activity in a year) Identify, for an author A of a paper P , all his/her activity in year Y . |
Q3.7 | (Full series of workshops) Identify the full series of workshop W regardless of whether individual editions published with |
Q3.8 | Identify people who co-authored with author A of a paper P published by but did not co-author any papers published in year Y with him/her. |
Q4 (Addidional Queries)
Query | Definition |
Q4.1 | Determine the complete event signature of workshop W |
Q4.2 | List the full names of all authors with their affiliation who have (co-)authored a paper
in workshop W (combines Q1.3 and Q2.1) |
Semantic publishing Queries against wikidata
List the full names of all editors of the proceedings of workshop W
Input for this query is the volume number.
SELECT ?proceedings ?editor ?editorLabel ?affiliation ?affiliationLabel
VALUES ?volume_number {"3262"}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
p:P98 [
ps:P98 ?editor;
pq:P1416 ?affiliation
?editor rdfs:label ?editorLabel. FILTER(lang(?editorLabel)="en")
?affiliation rdfs:label ?affiliationLabel. FILTER(lang(?affiliationLabel)="en")
Count the number of papers in workshop W .
SELECT ?proceedings (COUNT(DISTINCT ?paper) as ?number_of_papers)
VALUES ?volume_number {"3262"}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number.
?paper wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814;
wdt:P1433 ?proceedings.
GROUP BY ?proceedings
List the full names of all authors who have (co-)authored a paper in workshop W .
SELECT DISTINCT ?proceedings ?author ?authorLabel
VALUES ?volume_number {"3262"}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number.
?paper wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814;
wdt:P1433 ?proceedings;
wdt:P50|wdt:P2093 ?author.
?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel. FILTER(lang(?authorLabel)="en")
Compute the average length of a paper (in pages) in workshop W
SELECT DISTINCT ?proceedings (AVG(?number_of_pages) as ?avg_number_of_pages)
VALUES ?volume_number {"3262"}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number.
?paper wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814;
wdt:P1433 ?proceedings;
wdt:P1104 ?number_of_pages.
GROUP BY ?proceedings
(publication turnaround) Find out whether the proceedings of work- shop W were published on before the workshop took place.
This query lists all proceedings that were published before the event took place.
SELECT DISTINCT ?proceedings ?pub_date ?event ?start_date
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
wdt:P577 ?pub_date;
wdt:P4745 ?event.
?event wdt:P580 ?start_date.
FILTER(?pub_date < ?start_date)
(previous editions of a workshop) Identify all editions that the work- shop series titled T has published with
SELECT DISTINCT ?event ?ordinal ?proceedings ?volume_number
VALUES ?series_title {"Wikidata Workshop"@en}
VALUES ?series_type{ wd:Q47459256 wd:Q47258130 }
?series wdt:P31 ?series_type;
wdt:P1476|rdfs:label ?series_title.
?event p:P179 [
ps:P179 ?series;
pq:P1545 ?ordinal
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
wdt:P4745 ?event.
Identify the full names of those chairs of the workshop series titled T that have so far been a chair in every edition of the workshop published with
SELECT DISTINCT ?programm_commitee ?programm_commiteeLabel
VALUES ?series_title {"Wikidata Workshop"@en}
VALUES ?series_type{ wd:Q47459256 wd:Q47258130 }
?series wdt:P31 ?series_type;
wdt:P1476|rdfs:label ?series_title.
?event p:P179 [
ps:P179 ?series;
pq:P1545 ?ordinal
wdt:P5804 ?programm_commitee;
^wdt:P4745/wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297.
SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?event) as ?number_of_events)
VALUES ?series_title {"Wikidata Workshop"@en}
VALUES ?series_type{ wd:Q47459256 wd:Q47258130 }
?series wdt:P31 ?series_type;
wdt:P1476|rdfs:label ?series_title.
?event p:P179 [
ps:P179 ?series;
pq:P1545 ?ordinal
wdt:P5804 ?programm_commitee;
^wdt:P4745/wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297.
?programm_commitee rdfs:label ?programm_commiteeLabel. FILTER(lang(?programm_commiteeLabel)="en")
}GROUP BY ?programm_commitee ?number_of_events ?programm_commiteeLabel
HAVING (?number_of_events = COUNT(?programm_commitee))
Identify all proceedings volumes in which workshops of conference C in year Y were published.
VALUES ?conference_title {"ESWC 2022"@en}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
wdt:P577 ?pub_date;
wdt:P4745 ?workshop.
?workshop wdt:P11633 ?conference. # colocated with
?conference wdt:P1476|rdfs:label ?conference_title.
FILTER(YEAR(?pub_date)= "2022"^^xsd:integer)
Identify those papers of workshop W that were (co-)authored by at least one chair of the workshop.
SELECT DISTINCT ?proceedings ?paper ?paperLabel ?event ?eventLabel ?author ?authorLabel
#VALUES ?volume_number {"3262"}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
wdt:P4745 ?event.
?paper wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814;
wdt:P1433 ?proceedings;
wdt:P50|wdt:P2093 ?author.
?event wdt:P5804 ?author.
?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel. FILTER(lang(?authorLabel)="en")
?paper rdfs:label ?paperLabel. FILTER(lang(?paperLabel)="en")
?event rdfs:label ?eventLabel. FILTER(lang(?eventLabel)="en")
List the full names of all authors of invited papers in workshop W
invited papers are currently not covered by wikidata
Determine the number of editions that the workshop series titled T has had, regardless of whether published with
SELECT DISTINCT ?series ?seriesLabel (Count(DISTINCT ?event2)as ?number_of_events)
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
wdt:P4745 ?event.
?event wdt:P179 ?series.
?event2 wdt:P179 ?series.
?series rdfs:label ?seriesLabel. FILTER(lang(?seriesLabel)="en")
GROUP BY ?series ?seriesLabel
(change of workshop title) Determine the title (without year) that workshop W had in its first edition.
SELECT DISTINCT ?event ?eventLabel
VALUES ?event_title {"The Third Wikidata Workshop"@en}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
wdt:P4745 ?e.
?e wdt:P179 ?series;
wdt:P1476|rdfs:label ?event_title.
?event p:P179 [
ps:P179 ?series;
pq:P1545 ?ordinal
?event rdfs:label ?eventLabel. FILTER(lang(?eventLabel)="en")
ORDER BY ?ordinal
(workshops that have died) Of the workshops of conference C in year Y , identify those that did not publish with in the following year (and that therefore probably no longer took place).
(papers of a workshop published jointly with others) Identify the papers of the workshop titled T (which was published in a joint volume V with other workshops).
SELECT DISTINCT ?paper ?paperLabel ?proceedings
VALUES ?event_title {"1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation From Text"@en}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
wdt:P4745 ?event.
?event wdt:P1476|rdfs:label ?event_title.
?paper wdt:P1433 ?proceedings; # published in
wdt:P5072 ?event. # presented in
?paper rdfs:label ?paperLabel. FILTER(lang(?paperLabel)="en")
(editors of one workshop published jointly with others) List the full names of all editors of the proceedings of the workshop titled T (which was published in a joint volume V with other workshops).
SELECT DISTINCT ?proceedings ?event ?editor ?editorLabel
VALUES ?event_title {"1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation From Text"@en}
?proceedings wdt:P31 wd:Q1143604;
wdt:P179 wd:Q27230297;
p:P179/pq:P478 ?volume_number;
p:P4745 [
ps:P4745 ?event;
pq:P98 ?editor
?event wdt:P1476|rdfs:label ?event_title.
?editor rdfs:label ?editorLabel. FILTER(lang(?editorLabel)="en")