| Title | Description | Try it! | WDQS Url | Relevance |
Q1.1 | All Editors of Workshop(Volume W) | List the full names of all editors of the proceedings of workshop W . | JGBD4b | 6UAa | 3 |
Q1.2 | Number of Papers in Workshop(Volume W) | Count the number of papers in workshop W . | 9e3zUz | 6UAd | 3 |
Q1.3 | All Authors of Workshop | List the full names of all authors who have (co-)authored a paper in workshop W . | 6JIyAd | 6UAf | 2 |
Q1.4 | Average #of pages in workshop | Compute the average length of a paper (in pages) in workshop W | NGlB2l | 6UAX | 3 |
Q1.5 | Publication turnaround | Find out whether the proceedings of work- shop W were published on CEUR-WS.org before the workshop took place.
This query lists all proceedings that were published before the event took place. | PAvC7D | 6UAk | 3 |
Q1.6 | previous editions of a workshop | (previous editions of a workshop) Identify all editions that the work- shop series titled T has published with CEUR-WS.org. | kUPI5O | 6UAo | 1 |
Q1.7 | chairs over the history of a workshop | Identify the full names of those chairs of the workshop series titled T that have so far been a chair in every edition of the workshop published with CEUR-WS.org. | ngbkiD | 6UAu | 4 |
Q1.8 | Workshops of Conference in Year | Identify all CEUR-WS.org proceedings volumes in which workshops of conference C in year Y were published. | j57HVl | 6UAw | 2 |
Q1.9 | Chair of Workshop as Coauthor | Identify those papers of workshop W that were (co-)authored by at least one chair of the workshop. | qKaWxd | 6UA$ | 3 |
Q1.10 | Authors of invited papers | List the full names of all authors of invited papers in workshop W | | | 4 |
Q1.11 | Number of Editions of workshop series | Determine the number of editions that the workshop series titled T has had, regardless of whether published with CEUR-WS.org. | uVEk8R | 6UB4 | 2 |
Q1.12 | Change of Workshop title | (change of workshop title) Determine the title (without year) that workshop W had in its first edition. | a1sm2q | 6UB5 | 3 |
Q1.13 | workshops that have died | Of the workshops of conference C in year Y , identify those that did not publish with CEUR-WS.org in the following year (and that therefore probably no longer took place). | | | 3 |
Q1.14 | Jointly published papers | (papers of a workshop published jointly with others) Identify the papers of the workshop titled T (which was published in a joint volume V with other workshops). | vgcLz4 | 6UBA | 2 |
Q1.15 | Editors of jointly published papers | (editors of one workshop published jointly with others)List the full names of all editors of the proceedings of the workshop titled T (which was published in a joint volume V with other workshops) | TBhxb5 | 6UBB | 3 |
Q1.16 | Workshop with biggest percent of growth of number of papers | Of the workshops that had editions at conference C both in year Y and Y +1, identify the workshop(s) with the biggest percentage of growth in their number of papers. | | | 5 |
Q1.17 | change of conference affiliation(Event,Year) | Return the acronyms of those work- shops of conference C in year Y whose previous edition was co-located with a different conference series. | | | 3 |
Q1.18 | change of workshop date | Of the workshop series titled T, identify those editions that took place more than two months later/earlier than the previous edition published with CEUR-WS.org. | | | 3 |
Q1.19 | institutional diversity and internationality of chairs | Identify the affiliations and countries of all editors of the proceedings of workshop W . | | | 3 |
Q1.20 | continuity of authors | Identify the full names of those authors of papers in the workshop series titled T that have so far (co-)authored a paper in every edition of the workshop published with CEUR-WS.org | | | 4 |