SPARQL Conferences

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# SPARQL related conference series
SELECT ?conference ?conferenceLabel ?title ?officialHomepage ?descriptionURL ?dblpVenueID WHERE {
  VALUES ?conference { 
    wd:Q6053150    # ISWC 
    wd:Q17012957   # ESWC
    wd:Q64852380   # K-CAP
    wd:Q105491170  # EKAW
    wd:Q3570023 # WWW

  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

  OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P1476 ?title. }  # Title of the series
  OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P856 ?officialHomepage. }  # Official homepage
  OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P973 ?descriptionURL. }  # Described at URL (Property P973)
  OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P8926 ?dblpVenueID. }  # DBLP venue ID
ORDER BY ?conferenceLabel