Semantic Publishing Challenge Queries

Tim Holzheim, Wolfgang Fahl

CEUR-WS Semantification Queries[edit]


Queries by Task[edit]

Q0.11All proceedingskfm8ib6UCU1Task0
Q0.22All papersK452U46UJb1Task0
Q0.33All eventsBww8ip6UKq1Task0
Q0.44All event seriesJqXf3G6UE41Task0
Q0.55All scholars3mUK8B6UT61Task0
Q0.66All institutionsz7hnKG6UKK1Task0
Q0.77authors of papers of proceedingsP7jZJm6UTH1Task0
Q0.88Duplicate and Empty URNs of proceedingsOLyKEm8eaz1Task0
Q0.99Duplicate CEUR-WS Volume numbers of proceedingshJlygL8ea41Task0
Q0.1010Locations of all CEUR-WS proceedings proceedings events8gRw1Task0
Q0.1111Events events and proceedings proceedings grouped by Event Series1Task0
Q1.11All Editors of Workshop(Volume W)JGBD4b6UAa3Task1
Q1.22Number of Papers in Workshop(Volume W)9e3zUz6UAd3Task1
Q1.33All Authors of Workshop6JIyAd6UAf2Task1
Q1.44Average #of pages in workshopNGlB2l6UAX3Task1
Q1.55Publication turnaroundPAvC7D6UAk3Task1
Q1.66previous editions of a workshopkUPI5O6UAo1Task1
Q1.77chairs over the history of a workshopngbkiD6UAu4Task1
Q1.88Workshops of Conference in Yearj57HVl6UAw2Task1
Q1.99Chair of Workshop as CoauthorqKaWxd6UA$3Task1
Q1.1010Authors of invited papers4Task1
Q1.1111Number of Editions of workshop seriesuVEk8R6UB42Task1
Q1.1212Change of Workshop titlea1sm2q6UB53Task1
Q1.1313workshops that have died3Task1
Q1.1414Jointly published papersvgcLz46UBA2Task1
Q1.1515Editors of jointly published papersTBhxb56UBB3Task1
Q1.1616Workshop with biggest percent of growth of number of papers5Task1
Q1.1717change of conference affiliation(Event,Year)3Task1
Q1.1818change of workshop date3Task1
Q1.1919institutional diversity and internationality of chairs3Task1
Q1.2020continuity of authors4Task1
Q2.11Affiliations of Authors (Paper X)3Task2
Q2.22Papers from country at Workshop3Task2
Q2.33Works cited by paperG7PGHO6UBC2Task2
Q2.44Works cited by paper after yearQ32kCB6UBF3Task2
Q2.55Journal papers cited by a paper4Task2
Q2.66grants for research in paper5Task2
Q2.77Funding agency for research of paper5Task2
Q2.88EU projects supporting research in paper5Task2
Q2.99Ontologies mentioned in abstract of paper5Task2
Q2.1010Ontologies introduced in paper abstract5Task2
Q3.11Same entities within the dataset2Task3
Q3.22Same entities across different datasets1Task3
Q3.33Workshop call for papersn57R4b6UKs2Task3
Q3.44Workshop website98pi386ULB2Task3
Q3.55Overall contribution to the conference4Task3
Q3.66Overall activity in a year6UTP3Task3
Q3.77Full series of workshops1Task3
Q3.88Coauthorship(Scholar A, Paper P, Year Y)->Scholar5Task3

Queries by Task[edit]

Q0.11All proceedingskfm8ib6UCU1Task0
Q0.22All papersK452U46UJb1Task0
Q0.33All eventsBww8ip6UKq1Task0
Q0.44All event seriesJqXf3G6UE41Task0
Q0.55All scholars3mUK8B6UT61Task0
Q0.66All institutionsz7hnKG6UKK1Task0
Q0.77authors of papers of proceedingsP7jZJm6UTH1Task0
Q0.88Duplicate and Empty URNs of proceedingsOLyKEm8eaz1Task0
Q0.99Duplicate CEUR-WS Volume numbers of proceedingshJlygL8ea41Task0
Q0.1010Locations of all CEUR-WS proceedings proceedings events8gRw1Task0
Q0.1111Events events and proceedings proceedings grouped by Event Series1Task0
Q1.11All Editors of Workshop(Volume W)JGBD4b6UAa3Task1
Q1.22Number of Papers in Workshop(Volume W)9e3zUz6UAd3Task1
Q1.33All Authors of Workshop6JIyAd6UAf2Task1
Q1.44Average #of pages in workshopNGlB2l6UAX3Task1
Q1.55Publication turnaroundPAvC7D6UAk3Task1
Q1.66previous editions of a workshopkUPI5O6UAo1Task1
Q1.77chairs over the history of a workshopngbkiD6UAu4Task1
Q1.88Workshops of Conference in Yearj57HVl6UAw2Task1
Q1.99Chair of Workshop as CoauthorqKaWxd6UA$3Task1
Q1.1010Authors of invited papers4Task1
Q1.1111Number of Editions of workshop seriesuVEk8R6UB42Task1
Q1.1212Change of Workshop titlea1sm2q6UB53Task1
Q1.1313workshops that have died3Task1
Q1.1414Jointly published papersvgcLz46UBA2Task1
Q1.1515Editors of jointly published papersTBhxb56UBB3Task1
Q1.1616Workshop with biggest percent of growth of number of papers5Task1
Q1.1717change of conference affiliation(Event,Year)3Task1
Q1.1818change of workshop date3Task1
Q1.1919institutional diversity and internationality of chairs3Task1
Q1.2020continuity of authors4Task1
Q2.11Affiliations of Authors (Paper X)3Task2
Q2.22Papers from country at Workshop3Task2
Q2.33Works cited by paperG7PGHO6UBC2Task2
Q2.44Works cited by paper after yearQ32kCB6UBF3Task2
Q2.55Journal papers cited by a paper4Task2
Q2.66grants for research in paper5Task2
Q2.77Funding agency for research of paper5Task2
Q2.88EU projects supporting research in paper5Task2
Q2.99Ontologies mentioned in abstract of paper5Task2
Q2.1010Ontologies introduced in paper abstract5Task2
Q3.11Same entities within the dataset2Task3
Q3.22Same entities across different datasets1Task3
Q3.33Workshop call for papersn57R4b6UKs2Task3
Q3.44Workshop website98pi386ULB2Task3
Q3.55Overall contribution to the conference4Task3
Q3.66Overall activity in a year6UTP3Task3
Q3.77Full series of workshops1Task3
Q3.88Coauthorship(Scholar A, Paper P, Year Y)->Scholar5Task3

Queries by subjective Relevance[edit]

Q0.11All proceedingskfm8ib6UCU1Task0
Q0.22All papersK452U46UJb1Task0
Q0.33All eventsBww8ip6UKq1Task0
Q0.44All event seriesJqXf3G6UE41Task0
Q0.55All scholars3mUK8B6UT61Task0
Q0.66All institutionsz7hnKG6UKK1Task0
Q0.77authors of papers of proceedingsP7jZJm6UTH1Task0
Q0.88Duplicate and Empty URNs of proceedingsOLyKEm8eaz1Task0
Q0.99Duplicate CEUR-WS Volume numbers of proceedingshJlygL8ea41Task0
Q0.1010Locations of all CEUR-WS proceedings proceedings events8gRw1Task0
Q0.1111Events events and proceedings proceedings grouped by Event Series1Task0
Q1.66previous editions of a workshopkUPI5O6UAo1Task1
Q3.22Same entities across different datasets1Task3
Q3.77Full series of workshops1Task3
Q1.33All Authors of Workshop6JIyAd6UAf2Task1
Q1.88Workshops of Conference in Yearj57HVl6UAw2Task1
Q1.1111Number of Editions of workshop seriesuVEk8R6UB42Task1
Q1.1414Jointly published papersvgcLz46UBA2Task1
Q2.33Works cited by paperG7PGHO6UBC2Task2
Q3.11Same entities within the dataset2Task3
Q3.33Workshop call for papersn57R4b6UKs2Task3
Q3.44Workshop website98pi386ULB2Task3
Q1.11All Editors of Workshop(Volume W)JGBD4b6UAa3Task1
Q1.22Number of Papers in Workshop(Volume W)9e3zUz6UAd3Task1
Q1.44Average #of pages in workshopNGlB2l6UAX3Task1
Q1.55Publication turnaroundPAvC7D6UAk3Task1
Q1.99Chair of Workshop as CoauthorqKaWxd6UA$3Task1
Q1.1212Change of Workshop titlea1sm2q6UB53Task1
Q1.1313workshops that have died3Task1
Q1.1515Editors of jointly published papersTBhxb56UBB3Task1
Q1.1717change of conference affiliation(Event,Year)3Task1
Q1.1818change of workshop date3Task1
Q1.1919institutional diversity and internationality of chairs3Task1
Q2.11Affiliations of Authors (Paper X)3Task2
Q2.22Papers from country at Workshop3Task2
Q2.44Works cited by paper after yearQ32kCB6UBF3Task2
Q3.66Overall activity in a year6UTP3Task3
Q1.77chairs over the history of a workshopngbkiD6UAu4Task1
Q1.1010Authors of invited papers4Task1
Q1.2020continuity of authors4Task1
Q2.55Journal papers cited by a paper4Task2
Q3.55Overall contribution to the conference4Task3
Q1.1616Workshop with biggest percent of growth of number of papers5Task1
Q2.66grants for research in paper5Task2
Q2.77Funding agency for research of paper5Task2
Q2.88EU projects supporting research in paper5Task2
Q2.99Ontologies mentioned in abstract of paper5Task2
Q2.1010Ontologies introduced in paper abstract5Task2
Q3.88Coauthorship(Scholar A, Paper P, Year Y)->Scholar5Task3

Q0 (Additional Queries)[edit]

Query Definition
Q0.8 List the full names of all authors with their affiliation who have (co-)authored a paper

in workshop W (combines Q1.3 and Q2.1)

Q0 (Additional Queries)[edit]

Query Definition
Q0.8 List the full names of all authors with their affiliation who have (co-)authored a paper

in workshop W (combines Q1.3 and Q2.1)

Stakeholder Query Relevance[edit]

Stakeholder Interests Queries
Researcher / Author
  • finding conferences/workshops
  • finding papers
  • finding authors
  • Q1.3 & Q4.1
  • Q1.6
  • Q1.8
  • Q3.3
  • Q3.7
  • Q3.4
  • Q3.1 (show all works of an author)
  • finding authors
  • finding previous events/proceedings of the series
  • Q1.3
  • Q1.6
  • information about the series
  • quality of submitted papers
  • Q1.20
  • information about the editors
  • quality of proceedings/event
    • increasing/decreasing → reject/accept proceeding
  • provide access to proceedings/papers
    • increase visibility (SEO, linking to other sources)
  • Q1.1
  • Q1.8 (colocated with)
  • Q1.9
  • Q3.1
  • Q3.2
  • Q4.1
  • metadata about
    • proceedings
    • conference(workshop
    • papers
    • editors
    • authors
  • Q1.1
  • Q1.3
  • Q1.14
  • Q4.1
  • Q4.2
Platforms (Search & Recommendation)
  • quality of papers
    • citation counts → impact of the paper
  • quality of conference/workshop
    • consistency of the event
    • quality of papers
  • subjects of paper/event
  • recomendation
    • Q1.13
    • Q3.3 (CfP)
  • trend detection
    • Q1.2
    • Q1.16
  • information retrival
    • Q1.6
    • Q1.8 (colocated with)
    • Q2.3
    • Q2.4
    • Q2.5

Queries for specific quality aspects[edit]

Queries for specific quality aspects[edit]

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