# SPARQL Query to Retrieve Details of Key Academic Conferences Related to the Semantic Web and Knowledge Representation
# This query fetches essential information about each conference series including its title, official homepage, DBLP venue ID,
# and a concatenated list of main subjects. The information is sourced from the Wikidata entries for each conference.
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?mainSubjectLabel; separator=", ") AS ?allMainSubjects)
# Define the specific conferences of interest with their Wikidata IDs
VALUES ?conference {
wd:Q6053150 # ISWC
wd:Q17012957 # ESWC
wd:Q64852380 # K-CAP
wd:Q105491170 # EKAW
wd:Q3570023 # WWW
# Fetch labels for all entities in English
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
# Retrieve optional properties for each conference
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P1476 ?title. } # Title of the series
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P856 ?officialHomepage. } # Official homepage
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P973 ?descriptionURL. } # Described at URL (Property P973)
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P8926 ?dblpVenueID. } # DBLP venue ID
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P921 ?mainSubject. } # main subject
GROUP BY ?conference ?conferenceLabel ?title ?officialHomepage ?descriptionURL ?dblpVenueID
ORDER BY ?conferenceLabel
# SPARQL Query to Retrieve Details of Key Academic Conferences Related to the Semantic Web and Knowledge Representation
# This query fetches essential information about each conference series including its title, official homepage, DBLP venue ID,
# and a concatenated list of main subjects. The information is sourced from the Wikidata entries for each conference.
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?mainSubjectLabel; separator=", ") AS ?allMainSubjects)
# Define the specific conferences of interest with their Wikidata IDs
VALUES ?conference {
wd:Q6053150 # ISWC
wd:Q17012957 # ESWC
wd:Q64852380 # K-CAP
wd:Q105491170 # EKAW
wd:Q3570023 # WWW
# Fetch labels for all entities in English
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
# Retrieve optional properties for each conference
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P1476 ?title. } # Title of the series
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P856 ?officialHomepage. } # Official homepage
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P973 ?descriptionURL. } # Described at URL (Property P973)
OPTIONAL { ?conference wdt:P8926 ?dblpVenueID. } # DBLP venue ID
?conference wdt:P921 ?mainSubject.
?mainSubject rdfs:label ?mainSubjectLabel.
FILTER(LANG(?mainSubjectLabel) = "en")
GROUP BY ?conference ?conferenceLabel ?title ?officialHomepage ?descriptionURL ?dblpVenueID
ORDER BY ?conferenceLabel